Hurricane Eta
Lockdown due to Covid-19 may seem unbearable and interminable but imagine that on top of that, you lost loved ones, your house, all your possessions and livelihood as they were swept away in the aftermath of a hurricane.
For some people in Central America this unimaginable horror has just happened in November 2020 as a result of Hurricane Eta, following on previous storms and with more storms including Hurricane Iota looming. Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico have been badly affected; hundreds of homes have been destroyed by flooding and landslides and estimates suggest around 150 people have lost their lives in Guatemala alone.
Disaster Aid International are already establishing contacts with Rotary Clubs in the affected areas and we are joining our country partners; Disaster Aid Canada to launch an appeal and operation to assist. Currently we are ascertaining exactly what assistance is required. Shelter and lack of safe clean water are amongst the immediate priorities which we would be able help with.
With your support we will give the people of Central America ‘a hand up, not a handout’ and help them rebuild their lives.
Pam Joyce – Chairman